Whip-it Wednesday
Happy Holidays Everyone!
I hope you all got new bikes this year from Santa!
As a coach, I get asked “How did you get the skills you have?”
If I was to give only one answer to this, it would be “Sessioning with friends.”
You might be thinking to yourself: “Oh cool, I ride trail with friends so I’m good on that advice.”
Riding a trail with someone is great, but have you ever “skills challenged” a friend?
In this video, you will see me playing trick for trick with one of my former students. Playing this game is super fun. Great way to warm up, or to add a session like this once a week to your practice.
When playing this game I typically get to:
Help someone learn a skill that I am pretty good at
Try something new
Use my imagination
Friendly competition
More reps at trying stuff in general
Your creativity will make your friend try something new. Their creativity will have you trying something you haven't thought of.
Here is a hint: If I want to give somebody a letter on a trackstand, I might try it with my bars backwards and switch my foot stance. Sounds hard huh? Not if you secretly practice things you want to dish out letters with! Then you snipe them with it! Haha!
All in all, make some time to session with friends. Not trail ride… session. It’s really friggin fun and you will be building skills all the while.
Happy new year folks. Hope to see ya out there spinnin wheels.