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September 2020 Update

Hey everyone! 

Things have slowed down in ways, but drastically speed up in other ways. 

In the last month I have been busy with:

  • Getting my LLC

  • Obtaining my EIN

  • Setting up business account

  • Ordering GTS shirts and hats to sell

  • Setting up web store (WIP)

  • Scripting season 2

  • Writing an owners manual for a product I plan on releasing

  • Received the first test version of said product (looking good!)

  • Ordered “Channel” stickers

  • “Channel” shirts and beanies coming soon

  • Completed another 503BMX order to have product on hand for local Boise riders

  • Held a jam at the local park

Since the release of my first video, a lot has happened and I could not be more excited about the progress! The elephant in the room for me personally is the lack of videos this month. Let me explain…

So the channel is a dream idea, but it is not financially sufficient (yet) to cover my expenses. This is why I have spent a lot of time and energy on products for sale in order to help raise money for the channel. Doing business legally and officially will allow me a more clear path to make this happen. I am also working a full time job, which does pay the bills. This takes up a ton of my time for the channel. 

The good news is, since we started on this journey, we have learned a lot and went from trying things, to establishing a respectable plan for the future. I am comfortable to say that I will be dropping one last video in what I will be calling “Season 1”. I will then be taking a month to film Season 2 and get it ready for release. Season 2 will be 10 episodes dropped once a week. This will make the channel have regular video posts for 2.5 months! Which will give me plenty of time to create a season 3, and so on. 

I am going to try and release two videos that are non instructional before season 2. One of them is going to be a Slater Bikes bike check on my brakeless street “Machine” that I was fortunate enough to help design. 503BMX will be doing a custom build that we will be advertising in season 2. 

I have a big goal of trying to film season 2 on my Slater DJ build. In all my coaching years, it is very apparent that my word goes a lot farther if I am simply on a bike with a fork and a hydraulic brake. So I am going to attempt to make this happen. I have been purchasing parts as I can afford. I have been getting help from a local shop here called Kore North , but I still have a long way to go. 

If you would like to donate to the DJ build, please follow this link.

Thanks to all the patrons, one time donors, and official sponsors to the channel. Your support means more than you can imagine and all the help is driving the channel forward in a big way.

Official channel sponsors:

Thank you all so much.

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